Monday, July 16, 2012

Electromagnetic Waves

Today we were briefly introduced to unit 10 which is electromagnetic waves and light behavior. Electromagnetic waves are transverse waves and are made up of 2 components, electric and magnetic. Electric waves move vertically while magnetic waves move horizontally. Electromagnetic waves also travel at the speed of light which is 3 x 10^3 m/s. Light is the only thing we see and sound is the only thing we hear, so inorder to see an object light has to bounce off of it and come back to your eyeballs, the same is true with sound.

This is a picture of my cousin and I at a very green hotel in Tokyo. During the day the hotel uses the natural light from the sun and cross ventilation to light and cool their lobby. The walls are made of tons of pieces of glass which is transparent which means that waves are able to travel through it. In this case the light waves are able to travel through the glass to light the lobby. However if the walls were opaque, or (light) waves weren't able to travel through it the lobby would be very dark durring the day because no light waves from the sun would be able to get through the walls.

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